Overworking has become a prominent issue. Inspired by this, 'Touch Fish' is a graphic design project that revolves around the essential theme of embracing breaks, relieving stress, and fostering awareness of work-life balance. Referring to the concept of the Chinese idiom 'touching fish,' the project advocates for the importance of pausing in a fast-paced world, rejuvenating, and finding harmony within the chaos of daily life.


浑水摸鱼(Húnshuǐ mōyú) translates to "muddy water to catch fish" in English. However, the phrase is commonly used in a figurative sense to describe a situation where someone takes advantage of confusion or chaos to engage in secretive or underhanded activities. It implies exploiting a murky or unclear situation for personal gain, often in a dishonest or unethical manner.

"摸鱼" (mō yú) on its own is often used in internet slang and casual language in Chinese. "摸鱼" literally means "to touch fish." In the context of slang, it refers to slacking off, being lazy, or engaging in activities unrelated to work or responsibilities while pretending to be busy. This term is commonly used in a humorous or light-hearted way to describe someone who is goofing off or not being productive.


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The publication is interactive, which viewers are encouraged to scan QR code, playing with the AR FISH, and the secret content behind the risograph poster!

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