Sight of Sound

︎RISO Stop Motion Animation
︎please turn on sound


Embarking on a journey to visualize the unseen, our project ventures into the intricate realm where sound and graphic design converge.  We fuse the tangible and the ethereal through the incorporation of real-life footage and animation. Our goal is to navigate the delicate yet profound boundaries that separate consciousness and unconsciousness, creating an exhibition that is simultaneously fragile, beautiful, and absurd.

The project explores the captivating question of how one can visually articulate the intangible aspects of existence. By synergizing the auditory and visual elements, we aim to transcend conventional artistic boundaries, inviting our audience to explore the intricate interplay between sensory perception and the abstract nuances of the mind.

As the narrative unfolds, we introduce a mysterious theory about dreams, adding an enigmatic layer to the project. A compelling proposition emerges – if someone within the dream beckons you to stay, a warning resonates: resist the temptation to follow, for doing so could trap you in a perpetual state of unconsciousness, forever unable to awaken. 

︎RISO Posters 11︎17

︎Exhibition collaborated with BU GD studio 2024

Yet, amidst this cautionary tale, a philosophical dilemma arises. If I willingly choose to remain within the dream, does the possibility exist for me to do so? Can you, the observer, permit me to linger within this ephemeral realm?

These contemplative inquiries prompt reflections on the nature of reality and the elusive boundaries that separate dreams from waking life. How can one discern the authenticity of a dream? Is it merely a transient illusion or a portal to a parallel existence? The project not only stimulates the senses but also invites the audience to engage in a profound exploration of the self and the surreal dimensions of human consciousness.

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